blog writing at immortal wordsmith

Share your voice with the world

With article and blog writing for businesses and individuals, you can tell your stories, share your knowledge and expand your audience across the internet.

Articles for Brands, Bloggers and Affiliate Marketers

Your content is your voice. Whether you run a business or thrive on blogging, our writing helps you express what matters.

Article & blog writer

We produce thoroughly-researched, well-written, and quality-assured  content that’s aligned to your goals and matches your brand voice perfectly. Every time.

Blog content planner

Keep your blog running smoothly with a carefully curated content plan, tailored to your goals – whether that’s SEO, to build authority, or just increase brand awareness.

CMS organiser

We can help organise your blogs, upload them and publish them on-time. We can even manage your social media and email campaigns to match your blog, for a complete content marketing strategy.

Let's talk about your blog

Reach out today to book your free consultation and find out how we can help you with articles and blogs in every niche and genre.

Hear it from our customers

"I have had the pleasure of working with Isobel for over 3 years now and can confidently say that she is the best writer I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She is an incredibly fast learner, and has always been able to produce top-quality content for me in a timely manner."
Yi Yang
Affiliate Marketer
"I would thoroughly recommend Isobel, the content she writes is well-researched and of very high quality. She has great communication skills, and always meets the deadlines."
Mark Reid
iLeads - PPC Agency
"Really high quality work. I have never hired a ghostwriter before (or any writer) and I am very impressed with the quality of work and everything she provides. Very organized, clear and concise documents. Will definitely be hiring again!"
Cheryl Stash
The Monkey Mashup Blog

Included in this writing service

Our writing is always tailored to the needs of our clients, who regularly request:

Who this writing service is for

We work with brands, bloggers and marketers who:

Ready for content that works?


Some writers use ‘article’ to refer to journalist-style content or evergreen content, and use ‘blog’ to refer to informal or seasonal content. However, the terms are often used interchangeably, and depending on your goals, you will likely need a mix of different content types to fill your blog.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the oft overcomplicated technique of adjusting content for search engine success. This incorporates keywords, a logical heading structure, and other elements including schema, meta titles and descriptions, alt text, and more. 

At Immortal Wordsmith, we follow one golden rule when writing – the user comes first, and SEO comes second. Writing high-quality content that people actually enjoy reading is our top priority!

We are adept researchers and love to sink our teeth into new topics and genres, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re working in a difficult niche.

Some of our favourite projects are in the home and garden, lifestyle, fashion, and general eCommerce industries.

I’ve you require content writing for a regulated industry, see our full writing services.

For our blog and article writing services, prices start at £75. See our Pricing to learn more.

We manually research and write all content according to brand guidelines, including SEO and any other requests you have. We do not use AI for any editing services we provide.

Yes, absolutely! One round of edits per article is included as standard, where you can request as many edits as you like.

We can write as many articles as you require and work with you to create a schedule that helps post consistently.

Get in touch to find out our current availability.

Absolutely! We’d be delighted to help you develop a brand voice and create a style guide to align everyone on your content production team. Let’s discuss this in your free consultation.

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