Twinings Peach & Orange with Citrusy Baobab Tea Review

Twinings Peach & Orange with Citrusy Baobab Tea Review

Spring is springing! The flowers are in bloom and the sun is shining. It’s still a bit chilly, but nothing will stop me from sipping the summery flavours of Twinings Peach and Orange tea now. This herbal blend made its way into my tea stash some time ago and I’ve been holding onto it in wait of the perfect moment.

So, on this sunny March Monday, let’s dip into this latest offering from Twinings. If you are new here, this is what to expect: a quick glance at what this tea is all about, an in-depth dive into the flavour and ingredients, and finally a few affiliated links to buy the tea online. All money we make goes into keeping the blog afloat.

Twinings Peach, Orange and Baobab Tea at a Glance

Izzy’s Rating

  • Blend: White hibiscus, rosehips and apple with peach and orange flavouring
  • Flavour: Complex fruitiness and hibiscus tartness with peach and orange citrus notes

This is a delicious fruity tea with great notes of peach and orange. The hibiscus adds tartness but doesn’t overwhelm the cup and the drying sensation is super refreshing.

twinings peach and orange teabags box

Full Review – Twinings Peach Orange Tisane

  • Type: Tagged biodegradable paper pyramid
  • Ingredients: White and red hibiscus, rosehips, apple pieces, baobab fruit pulp granules, orange peel, roasted chicory root, natural peach flavouring, other natural flavourings
  • Flavour Notes: Tart hibiscus, fruity complexity, citrus notes, peach, orange
  • Aroma: Soft peach candies, summer, fresh orange juice, grass, stone fruits
  • Milk or Lemon: Neither
  • Where to Buy: Twinings Official Teashop or Amazon UK

The aroma coming from these teabags is amazing – 10 out of 10. It smells like soft peach candies and freshly pressed orange juice (not at all concentrated). It has a sweetness but it’s not punchy. This is a gentle summer scent.

Let’s see if Twinings Peach and Orange tea will taste as good as it smells.

Once brewed, the tea turns into a rich burnt orange colour (picture below) and the smell coming from the steam is citrusy with a slightly grassy edge. There’s also a hint of stone fruits, which took me by surprise!

As for the flavour, it’s initially quite tart with hibiscus but quickly develops into deeper fruity complexity. The peach and orange flavours shine through with great citrus notes. Baobab is described as a mild lemon or tamarind. It should pack in a mild tang. Unfortunately, I cannot detect that at all in this tea.

But baobab aside, this is a delicious infusion with a great refreshing sensation.

cup of twinings peach and orange herbal tea

How to Brew Orange and Peach Tea

This is an herbal tea, so the brewing instructions are quite relaxed. Twinings recommend 200ml of boiling water and brewing a single teabag for 3 minutes. I followed these instructions and was perfectly happy. However, if you want a stronger brew, then absolutely you can brew for longer!

Twinings Orange and Peach tea has a good balance of sweetness and tartness, but you could add some honey if you really wanted more oomph. You can drink this tea with a snack or without any food – it’s good either way.

Why Twinings Fruit & Herbal Tea Range?

Twinings are a long-standing British brand with a reputation for middle-class poshness – but the price of this tea should give you a better idea of where they sit in the market. At just a few quid, you can buy 20 tea pyramids of this tasty brew in a simple cardboard box.

The packaging is entirely biodegradable and there’s no plastic in sight. I also like that the ingredients are largely real, with only natural flavouring and no added colours or preservatives. However, it’s not perfect. The baobab is made from granulated fruit pulp and the peach is pure flavouring. At least there’s actually orange peel included for the orange element!

granulated baobab peach and orange infusion

Taking a closer look at what is inside the teabag, you can see that everything is very finely chopped and dusty. This helps the tea infuse quicker and also hides the presence of flavouring. You cannot identify any of the ingredients visually, which bugs me a little, but it’s not a direct indicator of tea quality (when it comes to herbal teas, at least).

I’m a little sad that you cannot see the baobab. Tastylicious does a great guide to what baobab fruit tastes like and looks like, if you are interested in sipping baobab tea.


Ultimately, this is a very tasty tea and a great offering from Twinings. I wish the baobab was stronger, but it is definitely included in granulated form rather than flavouring, so that’s great. You can find this tea in some stores in the UK, or online for international shoppers. I’ve got a link to it in the Twinings tea shop below, but you can also find it easily on Amazon UK.

orange peach baobab tea

Tea Recommendation

This tea is caffeine-free which makes it ideal for an after dinner or evening treat. However, if you want something with a bit more oomph, then you need to look for a black tea blend. My favourite right now is H. R. Higgins Summer Peach Tea which blends real peach chunks with tea leaves and sunflower petals for a beautiful burst of juicy flavours.

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