Bion Spearmint Herbal Tea Review

Bion Spearmint Herbal Tea Review

Bion Spearmint Tea is a fresh, subtly sweet and minty herbal infusion from a wonderful Cypriot brand. I love the flavour of spearmint and Bion have done an excellent job of selecting a great spearmint leaf to create this tea.

In my full review, I’ll quickly recap what spearmint tea tastes like (in case you really don’t know), as well as some interesting facts about its health benefits, and provide an affiliate link so you can buy it yourself from Amazon.

Let’s go!

Bion Spearmint Tea at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Tea: Organic spearmint leaves from Cyprus
  • Flavour: Herbaceous, musty and minty with subtle menthol and sweetness

A fantastic tea! If peppermint tea is a bit too in-your-face, then spearmint is the milder and calmer cousin tea that you’ll love. This offering from Bion is fresh and flavoursome.

bion spearmint tea pyramids in box

Full Review – Organic Spearmint Tea

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Tagged biodegradable mesh pyramid
  • Ingredients: Spearmint leaves
  • Health Benefits: Aid digestion, refresh and calm
  • Flavour Notes: Low menthol, herby, musty, sweet
  • Aroma: Sweet, low menthol, green, fresh
  • Milk or Lemon: Lemon, if desired
  • Where to Buy: Amazon UK

Bion very kindly sent me two boxes of this tea to try, which I’m very excited about. If you want to try this tea, you can buy the spearmint loose leaf herb from Bion on Amazon.

Anyway, the dry leaf pieces are quite large at around half a centimetre and they have a great aroma. The spearmint is sweet, green, and fresh with just a hint of bright menthol.

It brews into a very bright and crystal-clear tea liquor that’s a lovely gold yellow shade. Full marks for colour!

There’s a sweet, minty and herbal aroma coming off the tea steam that’s lovely too. But when you take a sip, the minty flavours take a step back. It’s rather herbal, slightly musty, and has low menthol notes. The sweetness comes into play in the aftertaste. Overall, it really refreshes and brightens your mouth without giving you that tingling sensation that peppermint tea does.

I really enjoy this tea.

mint tea from above

How to Brew Spearmint Herbal Tisanes

You can use boiling water straight from your kettle to brew this tea. Let the pyramid sachet steep for 3 to 5 minutes, until it’s at the right strength for you. I prefer mine at just 3 minutes, and sometimes I add a slice of lemon too.

A teaspoon of honey or sugar is nice, if you have a sweet tooth, but adding a slice of lemon is best as it brightens the tea further. It freshens up your mouth too.

This tea is caffeine free, so drink it at any time of day or night. I like mine after dinner.

Why Bion Herbs from Cyprus?

Bion are a great brand. They grow all their herbs organically in Cyprus, where they’re packaged in biodegradable pyramid sachets. It’s great for the environment and for your health too.

The herbs aren’t dusty and finely chopped either. I do believe that this makes a different to the final flavour of the tea. It just feels fresher, even if it means the tea takes a little longer to infuse. Compare my pictures of this tea to one of Pukka’s mint teas, for example. You’ll spot the difference immediately.

dried spearmint leaves from cyprus

Spearmint Tea Health Benefits

Spearmint has been used as an herbal remedy for centuries and it’s generally consumed to help with digestion. If you feel bloated or you’ve just eaten a really heavy meal that’s hard to digest, a cup of spearmint tea can help settle you down.

But there’s more. I really want to point out the benefits of spearmint tea for poly-cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). According to this 2010 study, spearmint tea significantly reduces levels of androgen in women with PCOS which could translate to easing hirsutism.

Hirsutism leads to some psychological and cosmetic problems (facial hair and mood swings, for example) so the idea that drinking spearmint tea everyday can ease that is wonderful. I’m sure the PCOS community will want to know more!


I highly recommend this tea! Currently, I can only find the loose spearmint herbs available on Amazon, rather than the Bion spearmint tea pyramids. But that’s okay – all you need is a tea infuser. Why not add one to your basket while you’re buying the tea anyway?

bion spearmint tisane in glass teacup

Tea Recommendation

I’ve compiled all my tea reviews in one place – the Tea Review Index. So, whether you want to compare spearmint teas from rival brands or find a totally new herbal tisane to try, that’s the place to go.

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