ahmad green tea pure tea review

Ahmad Tea Green Tea Pure Review

Ahmad’s Green Tea Pure blend has been in my cupboard for a while now, winking at me from behind a big box of Basilur teas. Today I decided to stop neglecting it and do a full tea review!

This is the individually wrapped version of Ahmad Tea London’s green tea offering. You can also find it in loose leaf canisters, which I recommend as it tends to taste fresher and better than teabag alternatives.

Ahmad Green Tea Pure at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Green teas from 3 Chinese provinces blended together
  • Flavour: Simple Chinese green tea with typical warm, nutty and grassy notes

This is a very simple yet satisfying green tea! It’s smooth and plain with no complex flavours or aromas to distract you. Perfect for green tea beginners.

ahmad green tea pure tea bags

Full Review - Ahmad Pure Green Tea

Izzy's Rating
  • Izzy’s Rating: 2.7 out of 5
  • Type: Tagged paper filter tea bag
  • Tea: Green tea for multiple estates
  • Origins: Jiangxi, Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, China
  • Flavour Notes: Musty, astringent, grassy, warming, nutty
  • Aroma: Fresh, grassy, simple, warm Chinese green tea
  • Milk or Lemon: Lemon
  • Where to Buy: Amazon

Ripping open the plastic-foil wrapper (I hate how bad for the environment these wrappers are) you’re met with subtle, warming green tea notes. I always find Chinese green teas to have a warmth to them. While Japanese green teas (like sencha) remind me of fresh-cut grass in the spring, Chinese green teas are more like the slightly sun-scorched wild grass and hay in the summer.

This one smells slightly grass, fresh and warm. There’s no complexity or hidden aromas for my nose to seek out.

It brews into a crystal clear, pale gold tea that completely suits the warming aroma. There’s a slightly nutty sweetness to the aroma once brewed.

The flavour follows suit. Slightly astringent grassy green tea with a well-rounded, mild body. I’d say it’s slightly grassier than other green teas I’m fond of and there’s a musty note too. Whether it’s just from the tea being too finely cut and going stale, or just a flavour from the paper tea bag, I’m not sure. It’s not ruining the cup but it’s not pleasant either.

It’s a nice cup of tea and very easy to drink. I find myself taking another sip without realising like it’s water. The flavour is just hovering above being a bland, generic green tea.

cup of pure green tea

How to Brew Pure Green Tea Bags

Ahmad Tea London recommends brewing their green tea bags for 2 to 3 minutes at a temperature between 80-87°С. I brewed at exactly 80°С for 4 minutes to get to the strength I like. This adds to my concern that the tea bag I had was slightly stale, despite the use-by-date being far off in the future.

A squeeze of lemon or lime juice would be nice in this tea. You can buy lemon green tea from Ahmad but using fresh lemon will always taste better, trust me.

I’d drink this at any time of day. I didn’t notice any caffeine effects, so I’d be comfortable having this in the evening before bed.

Why Ahmad Tea London?

Ahmad mainly does tea bags, with some loose leaf options available too. They’re reputable and very easy to get your hands on (particularly in the UK).

ahmad teabags

The quality is about average for a tea bag brand. It’s on the same level as Twinings, Pukka and Clipper.

I do like that they can narrow down where their green tea is from to 3 provinces in China. That’s still a massive area, but compared to the likes of Twinings (who couldn’t provide any information about the black tea in their Earl Grey when I emailed them) and other supermarket brands, that’s above and beyond what you usually get.


I recommend Ahmad’s Pure Green Tea for beginners or those who’ve had a bad experience with green tea and need something gentle to re-introduce them. It’s not complex in the slightest, it’s just a very smooth and calming everyday green tea.

You should have a box of this in your cupboard if you don’t already.

About Me

Green tea in the afternoon is one of the highlights in life, isn’t it? If you don’t agree, you’ve probably been drinking the wrong tea! Check out all my reviews here at Izzy’s Corner at Immortal Wordsmith. My recommendation to follow Ahmad’s Green Tea Pure blend is Eloments Egyptian Mint tea – it’s caffeine-free and a warm, minty infusion for the evenings.

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