zest tea superberry samba tea review

Zest Tea Superberry Samba Review

I have exciting news – I just found that Zest Tea is available to buy and ship to the UK! It’s been one of my go-to teas for a while and now I finally have an excuse to write a Zest Tea Superberry Samba Review.

Zest Tea are an American tea brand who want us to do more with our days. Zest Teas are refreshing, they’re not the usual British “we need to talk, put the kettle on” teas. Instead, Zest Tea is a “let’s have some tea and power through work today” kind of drink. A healthy tea energy drink, if you like.

Superberry Samba is my personal favourite because it’s so unique and revitalising. But don’t worry if you’re a traditionalist, Zest also do an Earl Grey which I will, hopefully, be reviewing shortly.

Zest Tea Superberry Samba at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Green tea base with passionfruit, strawberry, raspberry and acai flavours
  • Flavour: Astringent and brisk with passionfruit flavours and berry notes

Get past the astringency and you’ll love the juicy freshness of this herbal green tea. Now that it’s available in the UK, I highly recommend you search out Zest Tea to try a new kind of energy.

zest superberry samba tea

Full Review - Zest Superberry Samba Tea

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Pyramid mesh sachet
  • Tea: Young Hyson Chinese green tea
  • Additives: Tea extract, passionfruit flavour, raspberry, safflower petals, strawberry flavour, acai flavour
  • Flavour Notes: Bitter, astringent tang with subtle passionfruit notes and a surprisingly sweet aftertaste
  • Aroma: Bright, tropical passionfruit and berries
  • Milk or Lemon: Neither, but a teaspoon of sugar might be needed
  • Where to Buy: Zest Tea website, Amazon

While I’m usually a huge tea caddy/tin fan, I must admit I like how the Zest Tea pouches lock in the freshness. Opening up the Superberry Samba packet and the tropical aroma just slaps you right in the face. I can’t express how good the aroma is – it makes your mouth water, it smells juicy!

I brewed it lightly (as impossible as it sounds, the aroma got even better) and took that first sip.

Wow, after the juicy, refreshing aroma I was not expecting the very astringent flavour. That first sip was pure bitterness, but I persevered. With every sip after, the bitterness dissipated as my mouth became accustomed to the taste and I started to get some of that juicy fruitiness that I could smell also.

The passionfruit is the dominant flavour, with notes of sweet strawberry and acai lingering in the aftertaste. I’m not sure what’s causing the astringency, but I would guess I either over-brewed the green tea or it’s the result of concentrating those sharp berry ingredients.

How to Brew Superberry Samba

I brewed this tea after a long walk. The high caffeine content was just what I needed to jump start my work day (more on the caffeine below).

As it’s a green tea, I let my water cool to 80°C before adding the tea sachet. It brewed for 1 minute 34 seconds before it reached a warm, yellow colour with a hint of green.

The tea quality is good! You can see those delicate green leaves and silver tips – some of the leaves are still whole. You can also see those delicate safflower petals, but not the raspberry pieces that contribute to the fruit flavours – I’m guessing these were infused into the tea rather than added whole.

This is a good pick me up tea that I’d recommend you drink at the start of your work day.

Why Zest Tea Pouches?

The safflower petals are truly beautiful and the tea smells divine!

I’ve been a fan of Zest Tea for a while, but up until now the hefty shipping rate on their website put me off buying. In the UK it’s relatively unheard of but in America you can even find Zest Tea in stores.

Now, fortunately, I can buy Superberry Samba loose leaf on Amazon which is way cheaper and actually tastes even better than the tea sachets. Click the button below to check out the price on Amazon. Let’s give a warm welcome to Zest Tea in the UK!

Zest Caffeine

What makes Zest stand out from the market is the caffeine level. The Superberry Samba brew contains as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, plus l-theanine. This amino acid balances out the caffeine, you can read more about l-theanine health benefits here. Basically, you feel alert and awake for longer and the buzz wears off gently rather than all at once.

No jitters, no crash. That’s kind of their motto and it’s so true.


Zest Tea on Amazon opens up a new world of energy teas. I would recommend the Superberry Samba blend to anyone who loves bitter, fruity teas. The green tea certainly packs a lot of caffeine but the actual tea flavour doesn’t come through very much.

For another refreshing green tea that’s more calming than energetic, make sure you read my English Tea Shop Candy Cane review if you haven’t already.

About Me

I’m an open-minded tea lover who’s ready to try any and all teas I can get my hands on, including vibrant American brands. Make sure you check through my whole blog to find great tea reviews, like my Zest Tea Superberry Samba review, recommendations and tips to enjoying a great cuppa!

Fancy Some Samba Lessons?

Ok, I don’t know much about samba, but berries and tea? I’ve got that covered. Check out my guide to the Best Berry Tea Blends next to find another sweet tea that’ll give you that perfect balance of sweet and tart.

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