Acorus Harmony Herbal Tea Review

Acorus Harmony Herbal Tea Review

We are taking things slow this Monday with a review of Acorus Harmony Herbal Tea. This herbal blend is caffeine-free and only contains three ingredients! Purported to create a harmonious effect – or at least a harmonious flavour – this tea is part of the Rituals Tea Assortment and can be purchased directly from Acorus or on Amazon. Find links below.

You can also find some information about the health benefits of this herbal tea below. If this is something you are really interested in, then I recommend reading my article Popular Herbal Tea Health Benefits next.

Acorus Harmony Tea at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Caraway seeds, dog rose hips, and lemon balm leaves
  • Flavour: Generic herbs with a touch of caraway seeds and hint of lemon balm

Although the ingredients are harmonious, they are also very generic and boring. This tea has a mild ‘herby’ taste and not much else. It was okay to drink but overall an entirely forgettable experience.

acorus teabags herbal

Full Review – Acorus Herbal Tea Harmony

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Tagged paper filter teabag
  • Ingredients: Caraway seeds, rosehips, lemon balm
  • Health Benefits:
  • Flavour Notes: Mellow herbs, warmth, hint of caraway, hint of lemon balm
  • Aroma: Generic, musty, herbaceous, hint of spices
  • Milk or Lemon: Lemon and honey to taste
  • Where to Buy: Acorus or Amazon

Opening the packet, I am met with a generic and musty aroma. This is pretty standard for herbal teabags – I generally find that 90% of Pukka herbal teas smell identical before they are brewed. I can get a hint of spices, however.

Let’s see what happens when we add water…

… Absolutely nothing. It brews into a dirty orange-brown tea colour with green tones that are hard to catch on camera. It is also very dusty. Disappointing. The aroma from the brewed tea is nothing to shout about either. It has that generic herbal aroma where it is impossible to pinpoint any specific ingredients.

The flavour follows suit. While it might be smooth and pleasant to drink, it doesn’t grab my attention at all. You cannot detect notes of lemon balm, rosehips, or caraway seeds. Instead, it’s just… herby.

While it’s not technically a bad tea, it is totally lacklustre, and I won’t be drinking it again. There are so many more flavourful herbal teas available!

hot cup of harmony herbal tea

How to Brew Herbal Tea Bags

For herbal and fruit teas, use freshly boiled water. The standard brewing time is three to five minutes – I always recommend starting with three minutes and then adjusting from there. You can always dunk the teabag back into your mug.

I tested this tea with three minutes, took a sip, then added another two minutes to the clock. The results were as I described above, so if you want to try this tea then you can experiment with going beyond that.

I would definitely recommend adding lemon, sugar, honey or even fresh herbs (peppermint leaves, etc.) to boost the flavours of Acorus Harmony Herbal Tea.

Why Acorus Tea?

So far, this is my second Acorus Tea review after their Fruit Tea with Cherry experience. I absolutely loved that tea, so I’m not sure why Harmony Herbal Tea has let me down so much. Acorus are a pretty good brand though and I am happy to see such a simple list of ingredients. No flavourings, not sweeteners, and no unnecessarily filler ingredients.

This tea wasn’t to my tastes, but I can objectively see that the ingredients are great quality. As you might have noticed from my photos, there’s only 1.5g of tea leaf per teabag. This is quite a small amount, so you’ll want to use 150ml of water – this is approximately 1 small teacup. For a larger mug, brew for longer or brew multiple teabags.

Health Benefits of Acorus Harmony Tea

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients and their health benefits according to Healthline:

  • Caraway seeds – known to be a good source of iron, zinc, and calcium. May aid digestion and reduce inflammation.
  • Brier hips (dogrose fruits) – high in vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols. May support your immune system and heart health.
  • Balm leaves (I am assuming this means lemon balm) – could be used to balance your mood, reduce anxiety and stress, and boost cognitive function.

As always, I highly recommend taking health benefits with a pinch of salt. Not only are some scientific studies quite controversial or weak, but you typically need to consume a lot of the ingredients to experience any effect.

Just drink tea to enjoy the flavours of tea!


Ultimately, this tea is pleasant and herby but nothing special. It doesn’t have any discernible flavour notes that stand out as tasty. If you want to give it a try for yourself, you can find it available in the Rituals Assortment from Acorus. This is available on Amazon (best for international delivery) and Acorus’ official website (best for EU delivery).

acorus harmony herbal blend

Tea Template Recommendation

I know a lot of my readers also enjoy writing about the teas they consume, so I have created a series of printable (and editable) tea review templates! These templates allow you to record your thoughts whether they are good or bad. It’s a great way to record which teas you’d like to buy again and which you should avoid. You can download these templates directly from the Immortal Wordsmith shop or via Etsy.

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