Tea+ Vitamin D Tea Review

Tea+ Vitamin D Tea Review

I can’t say no to a little tropical sunshine in the midst of autumn! This week, I’m reviewing Tea+ Vitamin D tea, a sweet green tea blend with mango and pineapple flavours. It’s enriched with vitamin D to support the immune system, healthy bones, and strong muscle function. It’s perfect to sip from one of these happy cat mugs!

To really see a positive impact from this tea, I recommend you drink it daily for a few weeks at least. As I cannot do that for this review, I’ll mainly be commenting on the flavour and scientific evidence behind taking vitamin D as a supplement (or tea, in this case).

There is also a link below to buy this tea from Tea+. As an affiliate, I may get a little commission back from Tea+ when you order – but this doesn’t impact the price for you. In fact, Tea+ have given me a discount so you can try it for less!

You can get 10% off your order at Tea+ if you use this code: IZZYTEAPLUS

Tea+ Vitamin D Tea at a Glance

Izzy's Rating
  • Blend: Green tea with lemongrass, apple, flavouring and vitamin D
  • Flavour: Easy drinking sweet and mellow mango flavoured green tea

Sweet but not overpowering, this easy-to-drink tea has great refreshing tropical vibes and a gentle green tea base. It’s delicious and nutritious. My only complaint is that the flavour is obviously fake and not from real fruit pieces.

tea plus vitamin teabags

Full Review – Vitamin Tea by Tea Plus

Izzy's Rating
  • Type: Tagged paper filter teabag
  • Tea: Green tea
  • Additives: Lemongrass, apple pieces, natural flavouring, vitamin D
  • Flavour Notes: Easy drinking, mellow, happy, sweet, bright, mango
  • Aroma: Musty herbs, mango, tropical fruits
  • Milk or Lemon: Neither
  • Where to Buy: Tea+ Official Website or Amazon UK

The aroma coming from the dried teabag is actually kind of herbal. It has a musty quality from the green tea leaves with natural mango sweetness layered over the top. As a lover of mango, I find it to be very enticing.

Once brewed into a murky green-brown tea colour, the aroma intensifies with lush tropical notes. It’s sweet and fruity with mango still leading the pack. Yum.

The flavour is great too. The green tea base is gentle and fades into the background, leaving just a grassy hint and warm body to a primarily mango-flavoured blend. It is mellow, sweet and comforting. It’s also bright and happy, just like vitamin D should make you feel!

Unlike some other vitamin teas I have reviewed (Eloments, for example) it doesn’t have that overly herbaceous or mineral note that some vitamins can have.

Overall, it’s really pleasant and smooth to drink. While it isn’t the mango and pineapple flavour I was promised, the flavour is still really nice and I don’t miss the pineapple in the slightest!

cup of tea+ vitamin D tea

How to Brew Vitamin Tea

With vitamin teas, it’s important to brew hot and long so that the vitamins can infuse into your cup. If you don’t brew for as long as directed, your Tea+ Vitamin D beverage won’t contain the full 200% RDA of vitamin D in every serving.

So, let’s follow Tea+’s directions closely. Place one teabag in your mug, pour over 200ml of boiling water, and let it steep for 3 minutes.

Usually I’d recommend a lower water temperature for green tea, however that’s not necessary with this blend. The green tea is lovely and smooth when brewed with 100°C water and this allows you to draw out the vitamins too.

This tea is perfectly sweet, so you don’t need any sugar, honey or sweetener to taste.

Why Tea+?

Tea Plus reached out to me a while back to review their best-selling Magnesium Sleep Tea! I absolutely loved it and jumped at the chance to get my hands of their Vitamin D tea too. Did you know that vitamin D is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies in the world?

Usually absorbed through your skin in the sunlight, vitamin D can be hard to attain naturally in the UK’s dark winter months. It contributes to bone health and the immune system. A deficiency in vitamin D can cause muscle weakness and even bone loss over the long term.

green tea leaves with mango flavouring

The quality of the actual tea is not amazing, however. It’s standard teabag quality. The mango flavouring is natural, but I’d prefer real dried mango chunks instead.

Regardless, the overall flavour is delicious, and the nutrient content is admirable. I also found the texture of the brewed tea to be really smooth and slick, which rarely happens with heavily flavoured teas. So, thumbs up from me!


This tea tastes good and is great for your body too. If you have a vitamin D deficiency or are just looking to boost your vitamin D levels in the winter, this is an excellent tea to try. The best place to purchase it is from Tea+ directly. Don’t forget to use code IZZYTEAPLUS for an extra 10% discount.

It can also be found on Amazon UK – the link for this is in the review above.

green tea with vitamin d supplement

Tea Recommendation

If you want to try a black tea blend that’s naturally sweet – no flavouring of any kind – then you must read my review of What-Cha India Assam Mancotta next. It’s one of the highest rated teas at Immortal Wordsmith and while it won’t boost your vitamin levels, it will certainly put a smile on your face!

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